Multi Residential
When it comes to multi-residential complexes, we have a deep understanding of the insurable requirements of these property types and can customize an appraisal solution to suit any style of development.
For condominiums and stratas, we clearly delineate the insurable responsibilities of the corporation and that of it's owners, which provides absolute clarity and certainty in any insurable loss scenario. We're well versed in corporation bylaws and can work closely with your insurer or broker to ascertain what needs to be included in your insurance policy, or just as importantly, what needs to be excluded.
Similarly for multi-family rental properties, the property owner is presented with a clear, straightforward view of their insurable requirements, which then separates the tenant responsibilities.
Our expertise extends to the following developments:
Apartment buildings - low and high rise
Townhouse complexes
Bareland condominiums and stratas
Home Owner Associations
Co-operative housing
Senior's Lodging
Government and not for profit housing projects
Plus much more.
Each multi-residential appraisal includes a comprehensive building description and valuation, documented construction detail, full site improvement (landscaping) costing, full demolition and debris removal costing, the inclusion of all current construction and fire codes, plus the latest localized costing research and data to ensure your insurance policy is highly accurate.